This Special Issue on “Non-state Actors and Human Security in Navigable Spaces” presents the outcomes of the interdisciplinary research carried out within the project “Protecting HUman SEcurity with non-state actors in the MARitime and CYber SPAce, HUMARCYSPASE”. This research project starts from the idea that, while maritime space and cyberspace are very different, their governance may be driven by sensitive and inter-related issues that deserve an in-depth analysis from several legal perspectives. First and foremost, it is common knowledge that both these spaces were conceived as being open and universally accessible. This fascinating notion soon collided with the reality of facts: first seas and oceans, and later cyberspace, became a prime breeding ground for cross-cutting and multifaceted threats which… (segue)
This paper argues that ISA’s mandates, in accordance with UNCLOS and the 1994 Implementing Agreement, are unavoidable interlinked to a people-centred approach to international peace and sustainable development. Such an approach characterizes, at the same time, the core concept of human security... (segue)
Acknowledging the central role of solidarity within the architecture of the EU, the paper investigates the internal and external dimension of solidarity. In order to evaluate the EU commitment towards its accommodation, the paper investigates how solidarity has been... (segue)
The existence of an obligation to render assistance applicable to the private sector is clear. However, its implementation gives rise to numerous challenges. The present article highlights the difficulties faced by the private ships and the shipping industry when involved in a rescue operation in the context of migration and demonstrates... (segue)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of non-state actors in promoting human security of migrants in the maritime space in relation to North Macedonia. Specifically, it discusses the role non-governmental organizations in North Macedonia in advocating... (segue)
The paper aims to analyze the relations between the biopolitical measures for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic and the technological countermeasures delegated to digital platforms to ensure a systematic control of the individuals. It identifies the notion of captology... (segue)
The status quo of extremely concentrated social media markets, where a handful of platforms control the vast majority of the flow of information in our society, has led to questioning whether the users can claim that the platforms have a duty to keep up the content they upload... (segue)
Starting from an examination of the relevant legal framework, the essay examines the important innovations introduced in the context of computer and telematic contracts by blockchain e smart contract, as well as the difficult legal issues raised by their... (segue)
Whereas, on the one hand, the UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity... (segue)
This contribution aims to analyze Italian case-law concerning NGOs involved in search and rescue... (segue)
The recent marked increase in numbers of individuals attempting to cross the English Channel... (segue)
Although there is no doubt that the new means offered by technology can act as a driving force for action... (segue)
While the development and the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) open many possibilities to... (segue)
The exponential growth of new and increasingly sophisticated ways to infringe copyright online... (segue)
I legislatori regionali nella fase discendente 2024 | .21
L'indirizzo politico: crisi ed evoluzione di un concetto 2024 | .18
I controlli della corte dei conti e i complessi equilibri del sistema delle autonomie 2024 | .13
'Neurodiritti' tra virtuale e reale 2024 | .6
L’autonomia dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol nel passato, nel presente e nel futuro 2023 | .32
La CEDU dopo i primi 70 anni 2023 | .20
Scelte ambientali, azione amministrativa e tecniche di tutela 2023 | .13
La tenuta dello stato costituzionale ai tempi dell’emergenza da Covid-19 2023 | .3
Diritto all'istruzione e inclusione nelle scuole dopo la pandemia 2022 | .32
I controlli della corte dei conti e i complessi equilibri del sistema delle autonomie 2022 | .28
Le conseguenze costituzionali della Brexit 2022 | .10
Il costituzionalismo multilivello nel terzo millennio: Scritti in onore di Paola Bilancia 2022 | .4
Non-State Actors and Human Security in Navigable Spaces 2022 | .2
La digitalizzazione dei servizi sanitari, il diritto alla salute e la tutela dei dati personali 2021 | .5
Blockchain, politiche pubbliche e regole 2021 | .2
Territorio e territori nell'Unione europea 2020 | .31
Il Governo. Prospettive organizzative e funzionali 2020 | .28
I dieci anni del Trattato di Lisbona 2020 | .19
Exit! Il recesso dai trattati multilaterali. Crisi e nuovi slanci nella cooperazione internazionale 2020 | .17
Sofferenze e insofferenze della Giustizia costituzionale 2020 | .15
Los efectos de la crisis financiera sobre las instituciones nacionales 2020 | .13
La disinformazione online e il ruolo degli esperti nell'agorà digitale 2020 | .11
Il sistema autostradale per l'economia italiana ed europea 2020 | .9
L'Europa delle Regioni 20 anni dopo 2020 | .7
Fascicoli speciali
Costituzione economica, integrazione sovranazionale, effetti della globalizzazione 2019 | .5
Le Anchor Institutions nella società liquida 2019 | .4
Parlamento e governo parlamentare in Italia. Verso un affresco contemporaneo. 2019 | .3
Italia, Europa: i diritti fondamentali e la rotta dei migranti 2019 | .2
Difesa europea, quali prospettive 2019 | .1
Secessionismi Autonomismi Federalismi 2018 | .7
Le società partecipate al crocevia 2018 | .6
Reflective Judiciary 2018 | .5
I diritti sociali tra ordinamento statale e ordinamento europeo 2018 | .4
Il sistema di protezione giurisdizionale nell'UE 2018 | .3
Il federalismo in tempi di transizione 2018 | .2
Riforme istituzionali e sistema parlamentare 2018 | .1
Dimensioni ed effettività del potere regolamentare 2017 | .2
Democrazia diretta vs democrazia rappresentativa 2017 | .1