*Le opinioni e i pareri espressi sono riconducibili ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente quelli dell'Unione EuropeaIn the context of interventions to promote fundamental rights and freedoms, particular attention has been paid in recent years to interventions supporting the principle of gender equality in all its forms and activities. As highlighted by the European Commission in its Communication on the Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025, no Member State has achieved gender equality so far: progress is slow and gender gaps persist in employment and in pay, care and pensions; in leadership positions; and in participation in political and institutional life. The EUGE Module (European Union for Gender Equality) proposes to start from these issues in order to structure research and teaching paths aimed at analysing them and elaborating proposals for overcoming them. In particular, EUGE intends to address the issue of gender equality using an approach based on five fundamental aspects: 1. Didactics: the organisation of a 50-hour course on ''Equal Opportunities Law''; 2. Awareness-raising: organisation of a cycle of public seminars; 3. Collaboration: with representatives from institutions, companies, the social and sporting worlds; 4. Research: providing the consortium members with the tools to deepen their studies on gender equality in the European context; 5. Dissemination: in-depth studies will result in products available through different channels, such as books, scientific publications, a dedicated website, call for papers open to scholars in the field. The main objective is to promote the attention of students to the issue of gender equality, by including a dedicated course in the educational offer of Sapienza University of Rome, but also to create a reference point on the subject that is available to the entire scientific community and civil society and that promotes the actions of the European Union contained in the EU Strategy on Gender Equality 2020-2025.