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Europa » Stati Europei
House of Lords - Select Committee on the Constitution, 9th Report of Session 2017–19 'European Union (Withdrawal) Bill'
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: competition and State aid
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: energy security
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Future UK agriculture policy
House of Commons - Home Affairs Committee, Home Office delivery of Brexit: immigration
HM Government, Open letter to business on Implementation Period
Larry Honeysett, Philip Brien, Revised Government spending plans for 2017-18 (HoC Library, Briefing Paper n. CBP-8230)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Supremacy and the Court of Justice
HM Government, Technical Note: International Agreements during the Implementation Period
House of Commons - Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, The potential impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the digital single market
Steven Ayres Philip Brien, UK Funding from the EU (HoC Library, Briefing Paper, N. 7847)
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