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Madagascar - Haute Cour Constitutionnelle, Décision n°07-HCC/D3 du 22 janvier 2018 concernant la loi n°2017-047 sur le Développement de l’Industrie (LDI).
CALL FOR PAPERS - African Constitutionalism in the XXI century: a new “wave” of Constitution-building processes?
Schede sulle Corti africane: Corti sovranazionali e regionali, Africa subsahariana francofona, Africa subsahariana anglofona e meridionale
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, interpretation of judgment of 20 november 2015 Alex Thomas v. United Republic of Tanzania
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Interpretation of the judgment of 18 november 2016 in the metter of Actions pour la protection des droits de l’homme (APDH) v. Republic of Cote d'Ivoire.
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Interpretation of the judgment of 3 june 2016 in the matter of Mohamed Abubakari v. United Republic of Tanzania.
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Kennedy Owino Onyachi and Charles John Mwanini Njoka v. Tanzania.
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Request for Advisory Opinion by l’Association Africaine de Defense des Droits de l’Homme, n. 002/2016, 28 September 2017
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Request for Advisory Opinion by Rencontre Africain pour la Defense Des Droits de l’Homme, n. 002/2014, 28 September 2017
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Request for Advisory Opinion by the Socio·Economic Rights And Accountability Project (SERAP), n. 001/2013, 26 May 2017.
Avis n° 02/ A. L.O/ C. C/ 2016 du 8 Dhou El Kaada 1437 correspondant au 11 août 2016 relatif au contrôle de conformité de la loi organique relative au régime électoral, à la Constitution.
Benin - Cour constitutionnelle - en matière de liberté de culte et de conscience, Decision DCC 17-018 du 31 Janvier 2017.
Benin - Cour constitutionnelle - en matière de statut général de la Fonction publique votée par l’Assemblée nationale le 28 décembre 2017.
Cour Constitutionnelle - Republique du Congo, sur la conformité a la Constitution Règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée nationale.
Cour Constitutionnelle - Republique du Congo, sur la conformité a la Constitution Règlement intérieur du Parlement réuni en congrès.
Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), judgement of 10th October 2017, no. ECW/CCJ/JUD/03/17 Osaghae et al. v. Republic of Nigeria (Niger Delta People v. Nigeria).
Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), JUDGMENT N°: ECW/CCJ/JUD/08/17, Njemanze and Ors v. Federal Republic of Nigeria.
MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape & another v Hans Ulrich Plotz NO & another (495/2017) [2017] ZASCA 175.
Republic of Kenya, in the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi - in the matter of constitutional interpretation, protection and enforcement of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Request for Advisory Opinion by the Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria and the Coalition of African Lesbians, n. 002/2015, 28 September 2017.
Request for Advisory Opinion by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, Federation of Women Lawyers, Kenya, Women's Legal Centre, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre,
The Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa - Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town v The Minister of Home Affairs (1107/2016) [2017] ZASCA 126
Tribunal Constitucional de Angola - Acórdão n. 464/2017 (processo n.° 530-C/2016), recurso Extraordinário de Inconstitucionalidade.