Italia » Stato
Europa » Unione Europea
Commissione europea, 52 passi verso una città più verde
ORB International, Brexit Confidence - Monthly tracker July 2018
Parlamento europeo, Democracy on the move. European elections: one year to go
AA.VV., European stories (European Prize for Literature)
EU, ECHR, FRA, Handbook on European data protection law - 2018 edition
TF50, Programme of EU-UK Article 50 negotiations for 16-19 July 2018
Osservatorio sulla droga e sulle tossicodipendenze, Relazione europea sulla droga 2018
European Environment Agency, Shaping the future of energy in Europe: Clean, smart and renewable
Parlamento europeo, The added value of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) and its revision
Europa » Stati Europei
HM Government, full statement following Chequers
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and European Citizenship
DeutscheBank Research, Brexit impact on investment banking in Europe
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: the exit bill
Tom McNeil, Policing and Brexit (for the West Mildlands Police and Crime Commissioner)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Statistics on UK-EU trade
Department for Exiting the EU, The EU Withdrawal Bill (Factsheet 1)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The Future Relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
HM Government, The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal: Data
Clifford Chance, The 'red tape' cost of Brexit
Altri stati » extra UE
Esperienze internazionali » Documentazione
Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) - ECW/CCJ/JUD/08/18, 19 Fevrier 2018, Jerome Bougouma and others c. Burkina Faso
Schede sulle Corti africane: Corti sovranazionali e regionali, Africa subsahariana francofona, Africa subsahariana anglofona e meridionale
ACERWG, decisione 3/2017 sulla comunicazione Minority Group International and SOS-Esclaves on behalf of Said Ould Salem and Yarg Ould Salem v. the Government of the Republic of Mauritania (2017)
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), decisione sulla comunicazione 288/04 Gabriel Shumba c. Zimbabwe.
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACtHPR), sentenza del 24 novembre 2017, In the matter of Ingabire Victoire Umuhoza v. Republic of Rwanda
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Association pour le progres et la defense des droits des femmes maliennes (APDF) and others v. Republic of Mali
Cour constitutionnelle du Benin, Contrôle de conformité - Actes administratifs - Decision DCC 18 – 099 DU 19 Avril 2018.
Décision n°15-HCC/D3 du 3 mai 2018 portant sur la loi organique n°2018-008 relative au régime général des élections et des référendums
Décision n°16-HCC/D3 du 3 mai 2018 portant sur la loi organique n°2018-009 relative à l’élection du Président de la République.
Décision n°17-HCC/D3 du 3 mai 2018 portant sur la loi organique n°2018-010 relative à l’élection des Députésà l’Assemblée nationale.
High Court of South Africa (Gauteng) Democratic Alliance v Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and Others (Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution Intervening).
Judgement ECW/CCJ/JUD/04/18, 13 february 2018, Federation of African journalists and others v. The Republic of the Gambia.
Republique du Niger - Cour Constitutionnelle a Arrêt N° 002/18/CC/MC du 21 mars 2018.
Republique du Niger - Cour Constitutionnelle a Arrêt N° 003/CC/MC du 30 mars 2018.
Supreme Court of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Development Party v. Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs, Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs and others.
The Constitutional Court of Zambia, Katuka and Law Association of Zambia v. The Attorney General and 64 others (2016/CC/0010/2016/CC/0011) [2016] ZMCC 1 (15 August 2016)
The High Court of South Africa - Gauteng Division, President of the Republic of South Africa v. The Public Protector and others.
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