Italia » Stato
Europa » Unione Europea
Brexit - Testo del Draft Agreement tra Unione europea e Regno Unito - 14 novembre 2018
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Combating child poverty: an issue of fundamental rights
TF50, Commission welcomes European Parliament vote confirming relocation of European Medicines Agency and European Banking Authority
TF50, European Commission intensifies preparedness work and outlines contingency action plan in the event of a no deal scenario with the UK
Joint Statement, Outline of the political declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom
European Commission, Preparing for Brexit. A no-deal contingency action plan
European Commission, Seven things you need to know when travelling between the UK and the EU after Brexit — in the event of no deal
Eurofound, Social insecurities and resilience
EU Data Protection Supervisor, The cartoon introduction to digital ethics
European Parliament, The cost of non-Europe in asylum policy
European Commission, Tobacco legislation Europe's quest to quit smoking
Commissione europea, Un bilancio europeo per il futuro
Institute for Government, Understanding the economic impact of Brexit
Europa » Stati Europei
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: chemical regulation
Institute for Government, Brexit: six months to go
Details of the call for evidence by the House of Commons EU Home Affairs Select Committee Sub-committee on Erasmus and Horizon after Brexit
Amanda Sloat, Divided Kingdom: How Brexit is remaking the UK's Constitutional Order The New Geopolitics - Europe
HM Government, Explainer for the agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union
House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee questioning the Government about the status of EU citizens' rights in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit
Institute for Government, Negotiating Brexit: policing and criminal justice
Theresa May, PM's statement on Brexit: 14 November 2018
HM Government, Press statement - Progress on the UK's exit from, and future relationship with, the European Union
HM Government, The European Union (Withdrawal) Act and Common Frameworks
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