Europa » Unione Europea
Alliance Environnement , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission), Evaluation study of the impact of the CAP on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions Final report
Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament), Research for AGRI Committee Impacts of the digital economy on the food chain and the CAP - Study
Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) , Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission), Structural reforms in Greece, 2010-2018 Final report - Study
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission) , European Forest Institute (EFI), Study on progress in implementing the EU Forest Strategy Final report - Study
Collingwood Environmental Planning , Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission) , Milieu, Study to support the REFIT evaluation of Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (SEA Directive) Final report - Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), The impact of Artificial Intelligence on learning, teaching, and education Study
European Economic and Social Committee, The role of taxes on investment to increase jobs in the EU An assessment of recent policy developments in the field of corporate taxes - Study
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Esperienze internazionali » Documentazione
Schede sulle Corti africane: Corti sovranazionali e regionali, Africa subsahariana francofona, Africa subsahariana anglofona e meridionale
ACoHRP: Affaire Sébastien Germain Ajavon c. République du Benin, 29 Mars 2019, (Requête n° 013/2017)
Algeire, Conseil Constitutionnelle, Avis n° 03 /A.L.O/C.C/18 du 20 Dhou El Kaâda 1439 correspondant au 2 août 2018.
Algerie, Conseil Constitutionnelle, Avis n° 01/16 A.RC/CC/du 18 Rabie Ethani 1437 correspondant au 28 janvier 2016 relatif au Projet de loi portant révision de la Constitution
Corte Africana dei Diritti dell’Uomo e dei Popoli, Dexter Eddie Johnson c. Repubblica del Ghana, 28 marzo 2019, ricorso n. 016/2017
Corte africana dei diritti dell’uomo e dei popoli, Lucien Ikili Rashidi v. United Republic of Tanzania, 28 marzo 2019, ricorso 009/2015
Haute Cour Constitutionnelle,Avis n°07-HCC/AV du 25 avril 2019 sur le pouvoir du Président de la République de soumettre directement au Peuple le vote d’une loi constitutionnelle par voie référendaire
in matter of constitutional amendments, the Constitutional Court Uganda, constitutional Petitions Nos. 49 of 2017, 3 of 2018, 5 of 2018, 10 of 2018, and 13 of 2018.
Suprema Corte Costituzionale d'Egitto, sentenza n. 125 del 39esimo anno giudiziario, 2018 (in lingua araba)
Suprema Corte Costituzionale dell'Egitto, in tema di Hajj, sentenza 153 del 32esimo anno giudiziario, 2017, (in lingua araba)
The State v Willard Chokurampa Justice for Children's Trust Interventing as Amicus Curiaw Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights Intervening as Amicus Curiae