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Italia » Regioni
Europa » Unione Europea
European Committee of the Regions, Contribution of local and regional authorities to the development of the blue economy in the Mediterranean Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Demographic factors of change in urbanisation processes Dynamics of national urban and rural population determining the degree of urbanisation - Study
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission) , EY , Technopolis Group , VVA Consulting, Evaluation of Regulation (EC) 2679/98 on the functioning of the internal market in relation to the free movement of goods among the Member States
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission), From social inclusion to social cohesion The role of culture policy - Study
European Economic and Social Committee, How state aid rules affect access to finance for SMEs and enterprises Study
Osservatorio Brexit, Il nuovo ''Agreement'' del 17 ottobre 2019
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Makerspaces for education and training Exploring future implications for Europe - Study
European Committee of the Regions, The contribution of local and regional authorities to regional integration in the Mediterranean Study
European Committee of the Regions, The role of local and regional authorities in National Energy and Climate Plans taking into account the recommendations by the European Commission Study
European Investment Bank, Three foundations A competitive, sustainable, inclusive Europe - Study
Europa » Stati Europei
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