Italia » Stato
Focus Africa, 12/12/2019: Online il fascicolo 3/2019 del Focus Africa
Servizio Studi, Servizio Studi, Dossier parlamentare - LXII Conferenza degli organi parlamentari specializzati negli affari dell'Unione dei Parlamenti dell'Unione europea (COSAC)
Servizio Studi, Servizio Studi, Dossier parlamentare - Violenza di genere: fra misure di prevenzione, misure pre-cautelari, misure cautelari, ordini di protezione e misure di sicurezza
Beniamino Caravita, Intervento del prof. Beniamino Caravita di Toritto al convegno ''La Capitale. Inclusione, trasversalità, confronto, partecipazione. Un nuovo progetto per costruire il futuro di Roma''
Marta Cartabia nuovo Presidente della Corte costituzionale
Europa » Unione Europea
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), An approach for pan-European monitoring of forest fragmentation Study
Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament), CAP Strategic planning explained Operational perspectives : in-depth analysis - Study
Directorate-General for Trade (European Commission) , Kantar, Europeans’ attitude on trade and EU trade policy Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), FAO, state of the world’s forests Study
Empirica GmbH , Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission), High-tech skills Scaling up best practices and re-focusing funding programmes and incentives : final report - Study
Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament), International climate negotiations Issues at stake in view of the COP25 UN climate change conference in Madrid - Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Monitoring the progress of EU countries towards the capital markets union An approach based on composite indicators and cluster analysis - Study
CEPS , Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (European Commission) , Milieu, Options and national discretions under the deposit guarantee scheme directive and their treatment in the context of a European deposit insurance scheme Final report - Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Policy pressures on air Anticipating unforeseen effects of EU policies on air quality - Study
Ballarat Consulting , Joint Research Centre (European Commission) , Tenvic , Viegand Maagøe, Revision of EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for imaging equipment Preliminary report - Study
CEPS , Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission), Study supporting the interim evaluation of the innovation principle Final report - Study
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Esperienze internazionali » Documentazione
Schede sulle Corti africane: Corti sovranazionali e regionali, Africa subsahariana francofona, Africa subsahariana anglofona e meridionale
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, in the matter of Benedicto Daniel Mallya V. United Republic of Tanzania - Application n. 018/2015 26 September 2019
Avis n° 02/A.L.O/19 du 14 Moharram 1441 correspondant au 14 septembre 2019.
Avis n°09-HCC/AV du 20 septembre 2019 relatif à une demande d’avis sur la conformité de la création d’une fondation avec l’article 49 de la Constitution.
Communication 290/2004 – Open Society Justice Initiative (on behalf of Pius Njawe Noumeni) v. the Republic of Cameroon
Constitutional and Human Rights Division of the High Court of Kenya, EG v The Hon. Attorney General of Kenya (Petition no 150 of 2016) and JM and 7 Others v The Hon. Attorney General of Kenya.
Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe, Nyagura v Lanzani Ncube N.O. & Others (CCZ 7/19 , Const. Application No. CCZ 53/18) [2019] ZWCC 07 (06 March 2019)
ECOWAS Court of Justice - His Lordship Justice Paul Uuter Dery v. The Republic of Ghana,The 29TH day of April, 2019 - suit n. ECW/CCJ/APP/42/16.
Madagascar - Haute Cour Constitutionnelle - Décision n°16-HCC/D3 du 05 septembre 2019 Relative au Règlement intérieur de l’Assemblée nationale.
Republica de Angola - Tribunal Constitucional, Acórdão N. 518/2018, Processo N. 573-A/2017.
Republique du Niger - Cour Constitutionnelle - Arrêt n 03/CC/MC du 11 juin 2019.
South African Constitutional Court, Jacobs and Others v S [2019] ZACC 4; 2019 (5) BCLR 562 (CC); 2019 (1) SACR 623 (CC) (14 February 2019).
Zimbabwe High Court of Harare, Mangwirov Chombo NOHH-710-16; Mangwiro v Minister, Justice & Legal Affairs (N.O.) & OrsHH-172-17, 15 Marzo 2017.