Italia » Stato
Europa » Unione Europea
Direzione generale delle Politiche esterne dell’Unione (Parlamento europeo), A comprehensive EU strategy for Africa
Direzione generale della Ricerca e dell’innovazione (Commissione europea) , Gruppo dei consulenti scientifici di rilievo (Commissione europea), Adaptation to health effects of climate change in Europe
Direzione generale per l’Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l’inclusione (Commissione europea) , MoveS, Analytical legal report 2019 The application of the social security coordination rules on modern forms of family
Centro comune di ricerca (Commissione europea), Annual report 2019 Joint Research Centre, the European Commission’s science and knowledge service
Banca centrale europea, Economic Bulletin. Issue 5/2019
Direzione generale per l’Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l’inclusione (Commissione europea), Employment and social developments in Europe Quarterly review. June 2020
Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (Organismo e agenzia UE), Europes consumption in a circular economy The benefits of longer-lasting electronics
Eurofound (Organismo e agenzia UE), Minimum wages in 2020 Annual review
Direzione generale dell’Agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale (Commissione europea), Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets in 2020. Summer 2020
Direzione generale degli Affari marittimi e della pesca (Commissione europea), The EU blue economy report 2020
Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (Organismo e agenzia UE), Your rights matter Data protection and privacy : fundamental rights survey
Altri stati » extra UE
Esperienze internazionali » Documentazione
Schede sulle Corti africane: Corti sovranazionali e regionali, Africa subsahariana francofona, Africa subsahariana anglofona e meridionale
Avis N° AV-002/20 du 18 Mars 2020, Demande d’avis du président du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature
Constitutional Court of Uganda - Human Rights Network Uganda & 4 Others vs Attorney General – Constitutional Petition no. 56 of 2013
Décision n° CI-2020-002/DCC/19-03/CC/SG du 19 mars 2020 relative à la loi de Révision de la loi N° 2016-886 du 08 novembre 2016 portant Constitution de la République de Côte d’Ivoire.
Graham Robert Herbert N.O. and Others v Senqu Municipality and Others [2019] ZACC 31.
High Court of Kenya at Nairobi, Adrian Kamotho Njenga v Attorney General; Judicial Service Commission & 2 others (Petition No. 369 of 2019)
In the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) holden at Abuja, in Nigeria suit no: ECW/CCJ/APP/27/1 Judgement no: ECW/CCJ/JUD/01/20
In the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) holden at Abuja, in Nigeria Suit no: ECW/CCJ/APP/44/2016 JUDGMENT NO: ECW/CCJ/JUD/29/19
In the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) holden at Abuja, in Nigeria suit no: SUIT No: ECW/CCJ/APP/18/18 Judgement No: ECW/CCJ/JUD/33/19
Republique du Niger, Cour Constitutionnelle, Avis n° 008/2020/CC du 30 mars 2020.
Tribunal Constitucional, Républica de Angola, Acordão n. 551/2019, Recurso Extraordinàrio de Inconstitucionalidade.
Tribunal Constitucional, Républica de Angola, Acordão n. 552/2019, Recurso Extraordinàrio de Inconstitucionalidade.
Federalismi » Federalismi