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NUMERO 20 - 29/10/2014

 Recent Labour Policies in the BRICS Countries: the case of China, India and Brazil

The article aims to examine labour policies and labour legislations of the BRICS countries in order to highlight any common trend in this topic between these five Nations. For this purpose, the article is divided into two different levels of analysis: firstly, an examination of the institutional activities of cooperation and exchange between the BRICS countries to resemble regarding national labour legislations; secondly, an analysis of three case studies (China, India and Brazil). In the first part, in particular, we examine how labour policies have been taken into account in the institutional activities of the five countries Leaders, which were gathered mainly from the BRICS Summits’ statements and from the first Trade Union meetings of these countries. In the second part, we analyse the labour legislations, with particular reference to the introduction of the labour flexibility within the three selected legal orders (China, India and Brazil), in order to identify differences and the first elements of convergence of the national rules... (segue)

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