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NUMERO 14 - 12/06/2024

 The Belgian triple vote: constant research for a compromise

The Kingdom of Belgium is characterized by being a constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of 1831 is still the foundation of the Belgian state, despite having undergone many reforms over time to an extent to which one would affirm it has been a « roman fleuve sans fin». Since 1994 Belgium has been a federal state «esempio per antonomasia dei processi di disgregazione del potere centrale che possono condurre uno Stato unitario ad aderire al federalismo». The peculiar ethnic-linguistic differentiation represents the most relevant and distinguishing feature of the State, so much so that it is possible to assert that «the identity-linguistic contrast between the two parts of the country» becomes a structural element of the Belgian federalism hence qualified by the doctrine as the so-called “unbundling” federalism. The Constitution of Belgium indeed states in Art. 1. that «La Belgique est un État fédéral qui se compose des communautés et des régions»; and in fact, the Belgian federation is composed by six entities: three regions (Flanders, Walloon Region, Brussels-Capital Region) and three communities (Flemish, French-speaking and German-speaking). Additionally, in the Constitution (Art. 4), it is also stipulated that the Belgian kingdom is divided into four linguistic territories: Flemish, French-speaking, German-speaking and the bilingual Brussels-Capital Region… (continues)

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