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NUMERO 14 - 12/06/2024

 The constitutional framework of Slovakia and the European elections

The proclamation of the Slovak Republic (Slovenská republika) in 1992, known by the short name Slovakia (Slovensko), which marked the definitive secession from Czechoslovakia and simultaneous division from the Czech Republic, signifies the beginning of a path of political uncertainty, overshadowed by the contrast between nationalist and more European, Atlanticist, and liberal forces. Since the Russian aggression of Ukraine, political tension has re-emerged between those who look favorably on contemporary Russian expansionism and those who remain oriented toward the European Union and a perspective of liberal democracy. Despite its own old conflicts, Slovakia joined the Council of Europe (1993), NATO (1997), and the European Union (2004), increasing its participation in the EU to the point of entering the Schengen Area (since December 21, 2007) and requesting, unlike the other members of the Visegrád Group, to entry into the European single monetary system: in November 2005, it entered the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II and became a member of the Eurozone on January 1, 2009, although it could not prevent the opening of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). From July 1 to December 31, 2016, Slovakia assumed the presidency of the Council of the European Union… (continues)

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