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NUMERO 15 - 26/06/2024

 After the 2024 EP elections, the arrhythmias of EU democracy have become even more evident (and less bearable)

At a historical moment when democracies are under attack at a global level, the tenth election of a supranational Parliament was obviously seen, more than ever, as a benchmark test for the European democracy. Russian spokespersons often criticize and mock the – indeed rather complex – functioning of the European democracy, highlighting its obscurity and many contradictions. The geopolitical significance of the 2024 EP election was appropriately expressed, by the leaders of the main EU institutions, in their pre-election positions, each encouraging participation at the polls and expressing the desire for an increased electoral turnout. As in all the previous EP elections, this time the electoral turnout also varied significantly between Member States (from 21,3% in Croatia to 89,8% in Belgium), depending on their legal norms (in some countries, such as Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, and Luxembourg, the vote is mandatory), political and cultural traditions and, of course, the overlap with other elections, held at the national or local level, or referendums. However, this time the overall average turnout was 51,1%. This is not a great increase compared with the previous 50,7% of the 2019 election, but it consolidates the participation of more than half of the electorate and confirms the trend in the direction of a gradual rise in participation, accordingly abandoning the steady decline in turnout regularly registered in the first eight elections, from 1979 to 2014. This is somewhat paradoxical, given – in the meantime – the EP was being very significantly empowered through Treaties’ revisions and the reform of its rules of procedure... (continues)

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