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NUMERO 19 - 08/10/2008

 Iacfs annual meeting 2008 in Barcelona: “Decentralizing and re-centralizing trends in the distribution of powers within federal countries”

International experts on federalism, mainly lawyers and political scientists, discussed on “Decentralizing and re-centralizing trends in the distribution of powers within federal countries”. From 18th to 20th September the annual conference of the International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS) took place in Barcelona. The host of this year’s IACFS conference was the Institut d’Estudis Autonomics headed by Director Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer.
13 presentations centered on various aspects of this subject and were followed by intense discussions. Trends of decentralization or centralization were analyzed in several case studies, dealing with a number of federal or regionalized states such as Canada, Australia, the United States of America, Germany, Russia, Austria, Argentina, South Africa, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. Moreover, current issues of Italian regionalism, such as the distribution of competences, regional representation at the central level, asymmetric federalism and fiscal federalism in particular, were debated. The papers, presented at the IACFS meeting 2008 are to be published next year in conference proceedings.


Cheryl Saunders, University of Melbourne; Antonio Hernandez, University of Cordoba.

Beniamino Caravita di Toritto, Università di Roma La Sapienza; Michael Burgess, University of Kent.

Antonio Hernandez; Jhon Kincaid, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania; Micheal Burgess; Cheryl Saunders. 

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