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FOCUS - America Latina

 The distribution of competence and the tendency towards centralization in the argentine federation

Geographically, Argentina is a very large country, with a continental land surface of 2.8 million square kilometres. There is substantial asymmetry in the geographical size of the provinces into which the state is divided, ranging from the Province of Buenos Aires with an area of  more than 307,000 square kilometres, to the much smaller provinces of Tucuman and Tierra del Fuego, with surface areas of approximately 22,000 and 21,000 square kilometres respectively. The autonomous city of Buenos Aires is smaller still, with a land-surface of only 200 square kilometres. There are substantial differences also in the distribution of population between the constituent parts of the Argentinian federation. Of a total population estimated at 37.5 million people, approximately 14 million live in the Province of Buenos Aires, and only 100.000 in Tierra del Fuego (segue)

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