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NUMERO 15 - 29/07/2009

 Relazioni tenute al ciclo di seminari 'Stato, Mercati, Democrazia. Crisi e trasfigurazione della regolazione pubblica' - Napoli, giugno 2008

I saggi che seguono sono in corso di pubblicazione nei Quaderni del Dottorato in Diritto ed Economia, coordinato da Sandro Staiano nell'ambito dell'Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM). Essi consistono nelle relazioni, riviste e aggiornate, al ciclo di seminari "Stato, Mercati, Democrazia. Crisi e trasfigurazione della regolazione pubblica", svoltosi a Napoli nel giugno 2008.
+ Giulio Bartolini, Reparation for Violations of Human Rights: Possible Co-ordination in the Case-law of International Supervisory Bodies
In the context of the possible coordination of international jurisdictions in contemporary international law, the issue of reparations for human rights violations can be interpreted in several ways. A simple initial approach to analysing this subject is to examine the relevant case-law on reparation for human rights violations developed by international tribunals...
  + Robert A. Blecker, How it got so big, why it persists, and what to do about it
The United States experienced episodes of increased trade deficits from the 1970s through the 1990s, but in the first decade of the twenty-first century the U.S. trade deficit reached truly prodigious proportions never before seen in American economic history. By 2006, the trade deficit climbed to about $800 billion dollars, representing roughly 6% of the gross domestic product (GDP) at that time (see Figure 1)...
+ Giovanni Carlo Bruno, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law before Domestic and European Courts. Two recent cases
The aim of this short essay is to take part in the largely debated question whether redress for victims of violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) can be provided for before domestic and international court and tribunals. IHL has been regarded for a long time as inter-State law, therefore the question of the ‘justiciability’ of the rights provided for in the IHL treaties is still pending... 


+ Erik Franckx, The Relationship between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and Other International Courts and Tribunal
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea is a rather new star on the firmament of international adjudicating bodies, which has become more and more brightly lately. The present contribution intends to highlight those features of ITLOS which make the light that it emits clearly distinguishable from the other stars out there...
It is now commonplace to regard China and India as the two economies in the developing world that are the “success stories” of globalisation, emerging into giant economies of the 21st century. The success is defined by the high and sustained rates of growth of aggregate and per capita national income...


+ Juan Carlos Moreno, Martín Puchet Anyul, Objectives, Scope and Limitations of State Intervention in the Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean to Foster Socially Inclusive Development
The last decades of the twentieth century saw a noticeable advance in democratization in Latin America and the Caribbean. This process has consolidated respect for elections as the only legitimate way to accede to the executive...

+ Juan Carlos Moreno, Martín Puchet Anyul, Aims and scope of economic policies against inequality
The following text seeks to locate the standpoint of policies against inequality within the frame of the Latin American and Caribbean economic policy. The approach and main ideas, based on Moreno- Brid and Puchet Anyul (2008)...
The case-law of the International Court of Justice (ICJ, or ‘Court’) is full of references to decisions of domestic courts. Recent and ongoing cases in which the Court has been confronted with prior decisions of domestic courts include...
+ Jaime Ros, Poverty reduction in Latin America: the role of growth, income distribution, social spending and demographic change
The recent socio-economic development of Latin America presents a puzzle. This is that while economic growth in the region in the past 25 years has been very slow, falling behind past performance and behind most...


+ Eduardo Savarese, Multiple fora for the same disputed facts. What coordination between international and national jurisdictions in the framework of  ICSID?
When looking at the question of coordination between ICSID jurisdiction and other (national/or international) jurisdictions, we have to take into due consideration two general aspects of the current international law on foreign investments...

As an empirical matter, there is a little question that international law is being increasingly applied today by national courts around the world - a phenomenon that appears to be linked to the normative expansion...   In recent years in view of the multiplication of international courts and tribunals allied to the increasing tendency of States to resort to dispute resolution proceedings that entail a binding decision, it has frequently happened in relation to a plurality of international disputes...

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