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NUMERO 19 - 15/10/2014

 2014 IACFS Conference: Concurrent Powers in Federal Systems: Meaning, Making and Managing


Concurrent Powers in Federal Systems: Meaning, Making and Managing

5 to 8 November 2014

Cape Town South Africa



Wednesday 5 November 2014  Winchester Mansions Hotel

Executive Committee meeting: 13.00 – 15.00

Refreshments: 15.00 – 16.00

Board of Directors’ meeting: 16.00 – 18.00

Dinner: 19.00: Winchester Mansions Hotel

Thursday 6 November 2014  Winchester Mansions Hotel

Welcome: 8.45-9.00

Jaap de Visser, director of the Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape

NicoSteytler, president of IACFS

Session 1: 9.00-11.00Some theoretical perspectives

[each presentation 20 minutes with 20 minutes discussion]

1.      “The meaning and significance of concurrency in federal systems” – Cheryl Saunders and Anna Dziedzic, Institute of Advance Constitutional Law, University of Melbourne, Australia


2.      “The U.S. Constitution: Dynamic concurrency without a concurrent list” – John Kincaid, Center for the Study of Federalism at the Robert B. & Helen S. MeynerCenter for the Study of State and Local Government, United States


3.      “A comparative analysis of the supremacy clause in federal and regional states” – BeniaminoCarravita, AssociazioneOsservatorioSulFederalismo e i Processi Di Governo, Rome, Italy

Refreshments  11.00-11.30

Session 2: 11.30-12.40  Concurrency in fiscal powers

4.      “Concurrent powers in federal tax systems: An instrument for a fair(er) tax competition” – Gisela Färber, German Research Institute for Public Administration, Speyer, Germany


5.      “Fiscal federalism and the concurrence of powers in Argentina: a historical perspective” – Miguel Angel Asensio, Institute of Federalism of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Cordoba, Argentina

Lunch: 12.40-14.00

Session 3: 14.00-15.20Reforming concurrency: The Italian way

6.      “Concurrent powers in Italy: Neo-centralisation versus reform” – PaoloColasante, Istituto di Studi sui SistemiRegionaliFederaliesulleAutonomie “Massimo SeveroGiannini”, Rome, Italy

7.      Panelist: Francesco Palermo, EURAC Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, Bolzano / Bozen, Italy

8.      Panelist: Giancarlo Pola, Centro Interuniversitario di FinanzeRegionale e Locale, Ferrara, Italy

Refreshments 15.20 – 15.50

Session 4: 15.50-17.20 Concurrency of powers in regional integration: European Union

9.      “Concurrent powers of the EU and their impact on the powers of members states” – StelioMangiameliIstituto di Studi sui SistemiRegionaliFederali E sulleAutonomie “Massimo SeveroGiannini”, Rome, Italy


10.  Country report: Canada, Switzerland,Nigeria

Walkabout, Waterfront: 18.00 departure Hotel

Dinner:  19.30 Predator Tank,Oceanarium, Waterfront


Friday 7 November 2015Winchester Mansions Hotel

Session 5: 8.45-10.45The practice of concurrency I

11.  “Concurrent powers in theory and practice: the Indian experience” – BalveerArora, Centre for Multilevel Federalism, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, India


12.  “The management of concurrency de facto in Spain: Problems and overlaps” – MireiaGrauCreus, Institutd’Estudis Autonomics, Barcelona, Spain


13.  “The Russian model of distribution of powers between levels of public authorities: Joint jurisdiction, competing jurisdiction or ‘divergent’ regulation” –Ivan Leksin,School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, and Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian International Centre for Regional Studies, Russia

Refreshments 10.45 – 11.15

Session 6: 11.15 -12.35  The practice of concurrency II

14.  “Municipalities, local interest and concurrent power in Brazil’s federalism” – Gilberto Rodriques, Federal University of ABC, Sao Paulo, Brazil


15.   “Concurrency and centralisation in South Africa” – Jaap de Visser, Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Lunch: 12.40-14.00

Session 7: 14.00-16.00The practice of concurrency III

16.  “Ethiopia” – tbc


17.  “Concurrency in the 2010 Kenya Constitution” - Conrad Bosire, Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, South Africa


18.  “Drafting concurrency provisions for the new federal constitution of Yemen” –MaeenSaeed, Rapporteur, Constitutional Drafting Committee, Sana’a, Yemen

Closure: 16.00-16.15


16.30 Departure for Cape Peninsula tour

18.30 Wine tasting, Groot Constantia

Dinner: 19.30 Jonkershuis, Groot Constantia


Saturday 8 November 2014

8.30 Departure from Winchester Mansions Hotel to Waterfront, for visit to Robben Island, returnto Hotel 13.00


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