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NUMERO 19 - 10/10/2018

 La 'specialità' regionale nell’ordinamento dell'Unione europea: la smart specialisation

Smart Specialisation, as provided for and regulated by EU law, does not aim to deny the undoubtable value and legitimate objectives of a regulatory system inspired by the principle of competitiveness. Instead, it demonstrates that such a system cannot be launched and work in any context, at any cost and under any conditions because, on the contrary, it requires the prior creation of the conditions essential for its execution. In other words, an effective and efficient system of competitiveness assumes that the participating regions, are capable of supporting it, moving from the recognition of their regional specificities (in term of both potential and vulnerability); where these conditions do not exist, the diversity of situations generates only discrimination, exclusion and marginalization, and competition not only ceases to exist but also is impossible to conceive... (segue)

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