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FOCUS - Artificial Intelligence

 Banca d'Italia - Explainable Artificial Intelligence: interpreting default forecasting models based on Machine Learning - March 2022

Forecasting models based on machine learning (ML) algorithms have been shown to outperform traditional models in several applications. The lack of an easily interpretable functional form, however, is a major challenge for their adoption, especially when a knowledge of the estimated relationships and an explanation of individual forecasts are needed, for instance due to regulatory requirements or when forecasts are used in policy making. We apply some of the most established methods from the eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) literature to shed light on the random forest corporate default forecasting model in Moscatelli et al. (2019) applied to Italian non-financial firms. The methods provide insight into the relative importance of financial and credit variables to predict firms’ financial distress. We complement the analysis by showing how the importance of these variables in explaining default risk changes over time in the period 2009-19. When financial conditions deteriorate, the variables characterized by a more complex relationship with financial distress, such as firms’ liquidity and indebtedness indicators, become more important in predicting borrowers’ defaults. We also discuss how ML models could enhance the accuracy of credit assessment for those borrowers with less developed credit relationships such as smaller firms. 

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