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NUMERO 14 - 12/06/2024

 Portugal on the ballot for the 2024 European elections: nationalist turn or return to the past?

Portugal is both one of Europe’s oldest states, since it can boast at least eight centuries of history beginning with the first proclamation of independence in 1143, and one of Europe’s youngest democracies. In fact, it was only with the 1974 Carnation Revolution that the Salazarian dictatorship of the so-called Estado Novo came to an end and the ground was prepared for the entry into force of the 1976 Constituição da República Portuguesa (hereinafter also CRP). This is a charter that, in accordance with post-World War II Western constitutions, is written, long and rigid and thanks to which Portugal has formally assumed the connotations of the state form of pluralist democracy. It is certainly no coincidence, in fact, that the Portuguese Constitution, as early as Article 2, states that the Lusitanian Republic is an “Estado de direito democrático”, whose sovereignty belongs to the people and which is based on pluralism of expression and political organization, the protection and promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms, and the separation and interdependence of powers, and, in addition, that it aims to achieve economic, social and cultural democracy, as well as to increase the instruments of participatory democracy. Moreover, the democratic evolution of the Portuguese state has continued through a constant process of modernization of the Constitution, which, through six revisions over nearly 50 years, has invested, on the one hand, the form of government and decentralization and, on the other, the opening to the international order and the European Union, whose accession took place in 1986… (continues)

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