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Forum of Federations,
Forum of Federations-Press Release/Forum President meets with Italian government officials
Rome, 13 June 2008 – George Anderson, President and CEO of the Forum of Federations, met with senior members of the Italian government to discuss federalism in a recent visit to Rome. The series of meetings by Mr. Anderson and Forum European Program Director Felix Knüpling were held with senior representatives of the Government of Italy, Italian parliamentarians and others to examine the future of federal reform in Italy. Fiscal federalism was one of the top issues on the agenda.
The new Italian government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, sworn into office on May 8, has placed high importance on implementing a form of federal system in Italy. In particular, fiscal federalism is a method that Mr. Berlusconi’s party, the People of Freedom, and his political allies, the Northern League and the Movement for Autonomy (of Sicily) are interested in adopting.
Mr. Anderson’s trip was also in preparation for a conference on federalism which the Forum will organize together with noted Italian constitutional law expert, Prof. Beniamino Caravita in the fall of 2008. Mr. Caravita is the Vice-President of the International Association of Centres of Federal Studies and President of the Osservatorio sui processi di governo e sul federalismo...
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