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FOCUS - Territorio e Istituzioni N. 1 - 02/04/2021

Territorio e istituzioni: studiare il primo per riorganizzare le seconde

Nell’ “Agenda territoriale 2030”, documento intergovernativo degli Stati membri dell’UE approvato lo scorso dicembre sotto la Presidenza tedesca, si legge: “The quality of government and governance processes is an important cross-cutting principle for local, regional, national and European development. It matters for the wellbeing of society and is a prerequisite for long-term sustainable increases in living standards, investments, social trust and political legitimacy. Developing and implementing integrated place-based strategies and investments needs cooperation across sector policies as well as levels of government and governance, while also engaging local communities. Continuous capacity building at all levels is particularly important to enhance participatory implementation of the strategies”… (segue)


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