FOCUS - Osservatorio Brexit N. 1 - 21/06/2017
Italia » Stato
Summary della sentenza della UKSC sulla prorogation del Parlamento
CONSOB, Brexit - Implicazioni per la prestazione dei servizi e delle attività di investimento da parte degli intermediari
Raphael Hogarth, Brexit and the European Court of Justice (IFG Analysis, June 2017)
Discorso di Theresa May dopo la bocciatura dell'Accordo Brexit a Westminster
Servizio Studi, Dossier parlamentare - Consiglio europeo 21-22 marzo 2019
Servizio Studi, Dossier parlamentare - DL adeguamento Brexit
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Aviation'
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Leadership elections: Conservative Party
Letter from the European Scrutiny Committee to the new Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, Dominic Raab MP, on the scrutiny of EU documents during a post-exit transition or implementati
Paolo Marullo Reedtz, New Challenges for a European CCP. Intervento del Capo del Dipartimento Mercati e sistemi di pagamento della Banca d'Italia
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio sulla Brexit - 9 marzo - 11 luglio 2018
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Prepararsi al recesso senza accordo del Regno Unito dall'UE il 29 marzo 2019
Greater London Authority, Preparing for Brexit
Contributi apparsi su federalismi in tema di Brexit
Europa » Unione Europea
Joint report from the negotiators of the EU and the UK Government on progress during phase 1 of negotiations under Article 50 TEU on the United Kingdom's orderly withdrawal from the EU
Agenda del quinto round di negoziati brexit (tenutosi dal 9 al 12 ottobre)
Agenda of the 2nd round of EU-UK Article 50 negotiations
Roger Bootle, Gerard Lyons, Julian Jessop, Patrick Minford, Alternative Brexit Economic Analysis
European Commission, Annex to Commission's recommendation including supplementary negotiating directives
Call for papers, Aspettando Brexit: questioni aperte nel mercato interno e nello spazio LSG
TF50, Brexit ‘no-deal' preparedness: Final Commission call to all EU citizens and businesses to prepare for the UK's withdrawal on 31 October 2019
Mario Angiolillo, Brexit a una svolta. Ecco i passaggi più delicati per l'economia (Il Sole 24 Ore)
Beniamino Caravita, Brexit al rallenty, perche Theresa May prende tempo (Il Messaggero)
B. Martill, U. Steiger, Brexit and Beyond - Rethinking the Futures of Europe
European Parliament, Brexit and Ireland Legal, political and economic considerations - Study
IIEA, Brexit Brief Issue no. 33
Emma Ross-Thomas, Brexit Bulletin: Truce Frays (da
ORB International, Brexit Confidence - Monthly tracker July 2018
Eleonora Mainardi, Brexit e il sistema dei trasporti: quo vadis?
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit e mercati: Né vinti né vincitori?
Alessandro Moriconi, Brexit nel settore marittimo e portuale. La distanza tra le posizioni del Regno Unito e dell'UE alla prova della seconda fase dei negoziati
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit nell’Europa dell'Est - Romania: le difficoltà di un dialogo non sempre facile e costruttivo
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit nell'Europa dell'Est - Gli effetti di Brexit sulla Russia
IBEC, Brexit Report 2018
Enrico Martial, Brexit, uno statuto speciale per l'Irlanda del Nord? (da
Banca d'Italia, Brexit: estimating tariff costs for EU countries in a new trade regime with the UK (in 'Questioni di economia e finanza, n. 381, 2017)
Brexit: European Commission recommends sufficient progress to the European Council (Article 50)
Luigi Federico Signorini, Brexit: possibili riflessi su economia e finanza Audizione dinanze le Commissioni III Affari esteri e comunitari e XIV Politiche dell'Unione europea della Camera dei deputati)
House of Commons - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, Brexit: Trade in Food. Third Report of Session 2017–19 HC
Eurostat, Commercial property price indicators
TF50, Commission welcomes European Parliament vote confirming relocation of European Medicines Agency and European Banking Authority
European Commission, Commission's recommendation including supplementary negotiating directives
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Common Fisheries Policy and Brexit
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL (ARTICLE 50) on the state of progress of the negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union
Consiglio europeo, Conclusioni del Consiglio europeo (Articolo 50) del 20 ottobre 2017
Conférence des Présidents du PE – 12 septembre 2019 Introduction de M. Barnier
R. Wessel, Consequences of Brexit for International Agreements concluded by the EU and its Member States
David Davis' closing remarks at the end of the third round of EU exit negotiations in Brussels
Discours de Michel Barnier au XXVIIIe congrès de la Fédération internationale pour le droit européen
Discours du Président Juncker et du Négociateur en chef de la Commission européenne Barnier sur le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne lors de la session plénière du Parlement européen
Discours du Président Juncker et du Négociateur en chef de la Commission européenne Barnier sur le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne lors de la session plénière du Parlement européen
European Council, Draft decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council, concerning a new settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union
European Council, Draft declaration of the European Commission on issues related to the abuse of the right of free movement of persons
European Council, Draft declaration of the European Commission on the Safeguard Mechanism referred to in paragraph 2(b) of Section D of the decision
European Council, Draft statement on section A of the decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council, concerning a new settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union
TF50, European Commission Draft Withdrawal Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community.
TF50, European Commission intensifies preparedness work and outlines contingency action plan in the event of a no deal scenario with the UK
Stephanie Bodoni, Ex-Brokers Cash In on Brexit as Luxembourg Lures Bankers (da
European Parliament, Future trade relations between the EU and the UK: options after Brexit
TF50, Guiding principles for the Dialogue on Ireland/Northern Ireland
TF50, Guiding principles transmitted to EU27 for the Dialogue on Ireland/Northern Ireland
Institute for Government, How the Article 50 letter compares with the European Council draft guidelines
Maria Cristina Carta, Il futuro degli EU citizens' rights dopo l'Accordo su Brexit
Giacomo Roma, Il partenariato economico tra Regno Unito e Unione europea dopo Brexit
Federico Savastano, Il Regno Unito vuole riaprire i negoziati
Chiara Ingenito, Il ruolo e il peso della Corte di Giustizia nell'accordo tra Regno Unito ed Europa
Eleonora Mainardi, Il Withdrawal Agreement e il settore dei trasporti
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Implications of Brexit on EU Financial Services
TF50, Infographic on the EU's 'backstop' proposal
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Fisheries'
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Governance'
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'International Agreements'
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Police & judicial cooperation in criminal matters'
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Security, Defence and Foreign Policy'
TF50, Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: 'Services'
Intervista a Gina Miller: 'Come dare scacco alla Brexit in quattro mosse' (Il Corriere della Sera)
European Banking Authority, Introductory statement by Andrea Enria, Chairperson of the EBA
Michel Barnier, Is Brexit a threat to the future of the EU's environment? (Remarks at Green 10)
Joint Comittee Report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial System
Joint letter from the EU and the UK Permanent Representatives to the WTO
Joint statement by President Jean-Claude Juncker and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar
European Commission, Joint statement by the European Commission and the Department for Exiting the European Union
TF50, Joint statement from the negotiators of the European Union and the United Kingdom Government on progress of negotiations under Article 50 TEU on the United Kingdom's orderly withdrawal
Joint statement on behalf of President Juncker and Prime Minister May
Joint statement on behalf of President Juncker and Prime Minister May - 20th february
Joint technical note expressing the detailed consensus of the UK and EU positions on Citizens' Rights
TF50, Joint technical note on EU-UK position on citizens' rights after fourth round of negotiations
Joint technical note on EU-UK positions on citizens' rights after third round of negotiations
European Council of Foreign Relations, Keeping Europe Safe after Brexit
Elena Maioli Castriota Scanderbech, La posizione del mercato digitale britannico
Federico Savastano, La sentenza della Corte di giustizia sulla revoca della dichiarazione di recesso e il rinvio del voto a Westminster da parte della May
Federico Savastano, L'Agreement e il nodo (scorsoio) irlandese
Letter from the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission to Prime Minister Theresa May, 14 January 2019
Lettera del Premier britannico David Cameron al Presidente del Consiglio Europeo Donald Tusk sulle riforme dell'Unione europea
Chiara Ingenito, L'exit della Repubblica Ceca: realtà o finzione? La risposta di Praga alla Brexit
Carlo Curti Gialdino, Molte conferme e poche novità nel discorso fiorentino di Theresa May sulla Brexit (su
Institute for Government, Negotiating Brexit: the views of the EU27
TF50, Negotiations with the United Kingdom. Slides used by Michel Barnier with stakeholders in Poland 29 August 2019
European Banking Authority, Opinion of the European Banking Authority on issues related to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio Brexit - 11 gennaio – 8 marzo 2018 La prima bozza di accordo di recesso
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio sulla Brexit - 22 giugno – 26 luglio 2017
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio sulla Brexit - 5 ottobre 2017 - 10 gennaio 2018
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio sulla Brexit 27 luglio - 4 ottobre
Osservazioni del presidente Donald Tusk a seguito delle riunioni del Consiglio europeo del 22 e 23 giugno 2017
Joint Statement, Outline of the political declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom
Political Declaration del 17 ottobre 2019
TF50, Position paper on Customs related matters needed for an orderly withdrawal of the UK from the Union
TF50, Position paper on Goods placed on the Market under Union law before the withdrawal date
TF50, Position paper on Governance
TF50, Position paper on Intellectual property rights (including geographical indications)
TF50, Position paper on Issues relating to the Functioning of the Union Institutions, Agencies and Bodies
TF50, Position paper on Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial matters
TF50, Position paper on nuclear materials and safeguard equipment (Euratom)
TF50, Position paper on Ongoing Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal matters
TF50, Position paper on On-going Public Procurement Procedures
TF50, Position paper on Ongoing Union Judicial and Administrative Procedures
TF50, Position paper on the Use of Data and Protection of Information Obtained or Processed before the withdrawal date
TF50, Position paper 'Transitional Arrangements in the Withdrawal Agreement'
TF50, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Customs related matters needed for an orderly withdrawal of the UK from the Union
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Goods placed on the Market under Union law before the withdrawal date
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Governance
TF50, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Intellectual property rights (including geographical indications)
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Issues relating to the Functioning of the Union Institutions, Agencies and Bodies
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on nuclear materials and safeguard equipment (Euratom)
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Ongoing Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal matters
European Commission, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Ongoing Union Judicial and Administrative Procedures
TF50, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Public Procurement
TF50, Position paper transmitted to EU27 on the Use of Data and Protection of Information Obtained or Processed before the Withdrawal Date
Commissione europea, Prepararsi per una Brexit senza accordo: la Commissione europea fa un bilancio delle misure preparatorie e fornisce orientamenti pratici per garantire una strategia coordinata a livello dell'UE
European Commission, Preparing for Brexit. A no-deal contingency action plan
Commissione europea, Preparing for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 30 March 2019
European Commission, Press statement by Michel Barnier following the General Affairs Council (Article 50)
Press statement by Michel Barnier following the General Affairs Council (Article 50)
Press statement by Michel Barnier following the July 2018 General Affairs Council (Article 50)
Consiglio europeo, Procedura in vista di una decisione sul trasferimento dell'Agenzia europea per i medicinali e dell'Autorità bancaria europea nel contesto del recesso del Regno Unito dall'Unione
TF50, Programme of EU-UK Article 50 negotiations for 16-19 July 2018
Programme: 4 th round of EU-UK Article 50 negotiations Brussels, 25-28 September 2017
Protocollo sul confine irlandese del 17 ottobre 2019
Questions and Answers – the rights of EU27 and UK citizens post-Brexit, as outlined in the Joint Report from the Negotiators of the European Union and the United Kingdom Government
European Commission, Reflection Paper on the future of EU finances
Remarks by Michel Barnier, the European Commission's Chief Negotiator, at the press conference on the Joint Report from the Negotiators of the European Union and the United Kingdom Government
Nigel Barwise, Research Briefing Brexit Update (Nationa Assembly for Wales)
Z. Darvas, G. Wolff, Rethinking the European Union's post-Brexit Budget Priorities (Policy Brief 1/2018)
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Review of EU-third country cooperation on policies falling within the ITRE domain in relation to Brexit
Risoluzione del Parlamento europeo del 3 ottobre 2017 sullo stato di avanzamento dei negoziati con il Regno Unito (2017/2847(RSP))
HM Government, Safeguarding the Position of EU Citizens Living in the UK and UK Nationals Living in the EU
European Commission, Seven things you need to know when travelling between the UK and the EU after Brexit — in the event of no deal
TF50, Slide on customs controls
Slide presented by Michel Barnier, European Commission Chief Negotiator, to the Heads of State and Government at the European Council (Article 50) on 15 December 2017
TF50, Slides on foreign, security and defence policy
TF50, Slides on police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
TF50, Slides on UK technical note on temporary customs arrangements.
TF50, Speech by Michel Barnier at Hannover Messe (23 April)
Speech by Michel Barnier at the 28th Congress of the International Federation for European Law (FIDE)
Speech by Michel Barnier at the All-Island Civic Dialogue
Speech by Michel Barnier at the Berlin Security Conference
Speech by Michel Barnier at the Centre for European Reform on 'The Future of the EU'
Speech by Michel Barnier at the Eurofi High-level Seminar 2018
Speech by Michel Barnier at the 'Obbligati a crescere – l'Europa dopo Brexit' conference, Rome
Speech by Michel Barnier at the press conference following the third round of Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
Speech by Michel Barnier at the Zeitungskongress 2019
Speech by Michel Barnier following the sixth round of Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
Statement by President Juncker on the outcome of the Meaningful Vote in the United Kingdom House of Commons
Statement by the European Commission following the working lunch between President Jean-Claude Juncker and Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Testo dell'accordo Brexit e dichiarazione politica in italiano
European Parliament, The (ir-)revocability of the withdrawal notification under Article 50 TEU
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, The Brexit Negotiatiosn: An assessment of the Legal, Political and Institutional Situation in the Uk
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, The consequences of Brexit on Services and Establishment. Different Scenarios for Exit and Future Cooperation
Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros, The Economic Impact of Brexit: Evidence from Modelling Free Trade Agreements (Ruhr Economic Papers #700)
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), The effects of Brexit on the Romanian Economy. Challenges and Opportunities at the European Level
The UK in a Changing Europe, The EU is at clear risk of collapse - and the 'remainiacs' just don't see it
TF50, The EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement explained
Speech by Michel Barnier, The future of the EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy post Brexit
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The Government's negotiating objectives: the White Paper
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, The Impact of Brexit in relation to the right to petition and on the competences, responsibilities and activities of the Committee on Petitions
TF50, The joint technical note attached summarises the UK and EU positions and compares them following the 2nd round ofArt. 50 negotiations
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The process for exiting the European Union and the Government's negotiating objectives: Government Response to the Committee's First Report
The 'red tape' cost of Brexit (Oliver Wiman and Clifford Chance)
European Parliament - Directorate-General for Internal Policies, The Role and Powers of European Parliament in the Brexit Process
European Parliament, The settlement of disputes arising from the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The UK's contribution to the EU Budget
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The UK's EU Withdrawal Agreement
TF50, Topics for discussions on the future framework at forthcoming meetings
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Trade and Brexit: A month in a nutshell
European Parliament, UK withdrawal ('Brexit') and the good friday agreement
European Parliament, UK withdrawal from the European Union Legal and procedural issues
Institute for Government, Understanding the economic impact of Brexit
TF50, What did you agree with the UK today?
Massimiliano Pisani and Filippo Vergara Caffarelli, What will Brexit mean for the British and euro-area economies? A model-based assessment of trade regimes (Banca d'Italia Working Papers n. 1163)
Withdrawal Agreement del 17 ottobre 2019
Federico Savastano, Cronaca istituzionale del processo di separazione
Eleonora Mainardi, Brexit e sistema dei trasporti
Adriano Dirri e Federico Savastano, Siti di documentazione, analisi e approfondimento
Atti del convegno 'Brexit: ad un anno dal referendum, a che punto è la notte?', Roma, 23 giugno 2017
Europa » Stati Europei
HM Government, EU citizens arriving in the UK during the implementation period
HM Government, full statement following Chequers
Letter to the Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP (International Trade Secretary) about the UK Trade Remedies Authority’s preparedness for Brexit
Ilze Jozepa, (House of Commons Library), ‘No-deal’ Brexit: How might state aid to businesses change?
4th Interparliamentary Forum on Brexit
P. Anastasio, 5G, la Brexit rischia di allungare i tempi in Uk (da
House of Lords - Select Committee on the Constitution, 9th Report of Session 2017–19 'European Union (Withdrawal) Bill'
HM Government, A Fair and Reasonable Compromise: Uk Proposals for an amended Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland
British Medical Association, A health service under threat: the dangers of a 'no deal' Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, A no-deal Brexit: the Johnson Government
Andrea Biondi and Maria Kendrick, A second referendum: what question to ask – and when to do it? (LSE Brexit website)
The Economist, A year to go: how Brexit will affect UK industry
House of Lords Library Briefing, Adjournment of the House of Lords Debate on the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration
Vaughne Miller, (House of Commons Library), After Brexit: An Association Agreement with the EU?
HM Government, Air services from the EU to the UK in the event of 'no deal'
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Alea Iacta Est. Bye bye Brexit Bill, welcome European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
House of Commons, Alternatives to a no-deal outcome in negotiations with the EU
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Animal Sentience and Brexit
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, Article 50 negotiations: Implications of 'no deal'
Sophia Besch and Christian Odendahl, Berlin to the rescue? A closer look at Germany's position on Brexit (Center for European Reform)
HM Government - Department for International Trade, Bidding for government contracts overseas in a 'no deal' Brexit
Institut Montaigne, Bremain ou Brexit: Europe, prépare ton avenir!
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit & financial services
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit & financial services (19th of July)
House of Commons - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Brexit and Agriculture in Northern Ireland
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and air quality
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and European Citizenship
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and Private Pensions
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and Private Pensions
UK in a changing world, Brexit and public opinion 2019
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and State Pensions
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and State Pensions
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Brexit and the balance of powers. Getting to the bone of 'Democracy'
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and the environment
Bruegel, Policy Contribution, no. 4, 2017, Brexit and the European financial system: mapping markets, players and jobs
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and transport (by L. Butcher)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit and UK Defence: An Explainer
IIEA, Brexit Brief Issue 36
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit debates 2018
Elena Maioli Castriota Scanderbech, Brexit e comunicazioni elettroniche - L'impatto della Brexit sul settore delle comunicazioni
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit e mercati - Alcune osservazioni sulla Brexit da parte di una società di gestione del risparmio
DeutscheBank Research, Brexit impact on investment banking in Europe
Giacomo Roma, Brexit in Francia - Un anno dopo: Brexit vista da Oltremanica
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit nell’Europa dell'Est - Polonia e Ungheria: reazioni a confronto
European Commission, Brexit preparedness: EU completes preparations for possible ''no-deal'' scenario on 12 April
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit questions in national and EU courts
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit reading list: defence and security
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit reading list: general coverage
Tim Robinson (House of Commons Library), Brexit reading list: legal and constitutional issues
Tim Robinson (House of Commons Library), Brexit reading list: negotiations and future relations
Creative Industries Federation, Brexit Report
State of Jersey, Brexit report: January 2019 Update
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit statements
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit statements (13 march 2019)
BBC News, Brexit to 'force work on Galileo sat-nav system out of UK'
Scottish Centre for European Relations, Brexit Uncertainty, Scotland and the UK in 2018, Four Scenarios
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit Unknowns (update)
National Assembly for Wales, Brexit Update. Research Briefing October 2018
Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, Brexit, the border and the Union
Jeremy N. White, Brexit. A Behavioural Perspective
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: chemical regulation
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: competition and State aid
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Customs and Regulatory Arrangements
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Customs and Regulatory Arrangements in the Future Partnership Agreement
House of Commons, Brexit: Devolved Legislature Business
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Devolved Legislature Business (23 April)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Energy and Climate Change
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: energy security
House of Lords European Union Committee, Brexit: environment and climate change
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Future UK agriculture policy
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Gibraltar update (by R. Ware)
House of Commons - Home Affairs Committee, Brexit: medicines, medical devices and substances of human origin
House of Commons - Health and Social Care Committee, Brexit: medicines, medical devices and substances of human origin
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: movement of people in the cultural sector
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: new guidelines on the framework for future EU-UK relations (19 April)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: Parliament's role in approving and implementing agreements with the European Union
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: Reciprocal healthcare
Institute for Government, Brexit: six months to go
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: the customs challenge
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: the draft withdrawal agreement
Thomas Sampson, Brexit: The Economics of International Disintegration (Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 31, Number 4—Fall 2017—Pages 163–184)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Brexit: the exit bill
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Brexit: To customs union, or not to customs union, that is the question
Scottish Government, Brexit: unheard voices - views from stakeholders across Scotland on leaving the EU
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Brexit: will consumers be protected?
Jack Simson Caird Vaughne Miller Arabella Lang (House of Commons Library), Briefing paper on European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
HM Government, Check temporary rates of customs duty on imports after EU Exit
Ofcom, Choosing the best broadband, mobile and landline provider. Comparing Service Quality 2017
Department for Exiting the EU, Citizens' Rights - EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU
Department for Exiting the European Union, Citizens' Rights - EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU
Department for Exiting the European Union, Citizens' Rights - UK nationals in the EU
HoC International Trade Committee, Committee considers potential impact of future UK-US Free Trade Agreement on NHS services
Parliament of the UK, Committee examine Parliament's role in Brexit preparations
HoL EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee, Committee examines legal implications of asylum cooperation after Brexit
HoC Exiting the EU Committee, Committee questions David Lidington and Sir Keir Starmer on cross-party talks
HoC Exiting the EU Committee, Committee questions Secretary of State on no-deal preparations ahead of October deadline
Boris Johnson, Commonwealth has key role to play in the bright future for Britain
Comunicato stampa 'Brexit: ad un anno dal referendum, a che punto è la notte?'
Lloyds Bank Press Release, Confidence edges to two-year high since Brexit vote but fails to lift business investment plans
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Confidence Motions
Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Constitutional Illegitimacy over Brexit (The Political Quarterly, Vol. 88, No. 2, April–June 2017)
House of Lords - Select Committee on the European Union, Corrected oral evidence: Rights after Brexit
UK in a Changing Europe, Cost of No Deal
The Brexit Diaries, Current Public Opinion on Brexit
David Davis' closing remarks after EU exit negotiations on 9-10 November
Details of the call for evidence by the House of Commons EU Home Affairs Select Committee Sub-committee on Erasmus and Horizon after Brexit
Institute for Government, Devolution after Brexit Managing the environment, agriculture and fisheries
Chatman House - The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Devolved External Affairs: The Impact of Brexit
Discorso con cui Theresa May dichiara di voler gestire personalmente i negoziati
Discorso di Theresa May a Firenze su Brexit (21 settembre 2017)
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Dispute resolution and enforcement after Brexit
Amanda Sloat, Divided Kingdom: How Brexit is remaking the UK's Constitutional Order The New Geopolitics - Europe
Bruegel, Working paper, 3, 2017, Divorce settlement or leaving the club? A breakdown of the Brexit bill
Parliament of the UK, Documentation about the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2019
HM Government, Draft text for discussion about the Implementation Period
HM Government, Enforcement and dispute resolution. A future partnership paper.
E-petition 223729 relating to rescinding Article 50 if the Vote Leave campaign broke electoral laws
House of Commons Briefing Paper, E-petition 224908 relating to leaving the European Union
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU assurances to the UK on Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU defence: the realisation of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU defence: where is it heading?
HM Government, EU Exit Assessment of the security partnership
HM Government, EU Exit Legal position on the Withdrawal Agreement
HM Government, EU Exit Long-term economic analysis November 2018
HM Government, EU Exit Taking back control of our borders, money and laws while protecting our economy, security and Union
HM Government, EU Exit: Long-Term Economic Analysis Technical Reference Paper
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU preparations for a nodeal Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU preparations for a nodeal Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, EU State Aid Rules and WTO Subsidies Agreement
House of Commons - European Scrutiny Committee, EU Withdrawal: Transitional provisions and dispute resolution
House of Lords - European Scrutiny Committee, EU Withdrawal: Transitional provisions and dispute resolution: Government Response to the Committee's Nineteenth Report of Session 2017–19
HM Government, European and domestic funding after Brexit
House of Commons - Work and Pensions Committee, European Social Fund
House of Commons, European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill
House of Commons Briefing Paper, European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill
House of Lords Library Briefing, European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill. HL Bill 202 of 2017–19
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2019 (8th April 2019)
House of Lords Library Briefing, European Union (Withdrawal) Bill: Lords Committee Stage
House of Lords Library Briefing, European Union (Withdrawal) Bill: Summary of Lords Amendments
Lucinda Maer, Exiting the EU: sectoral impact assessments (House of Commons BP n. 8128, 1 November 2017)
Expert witness evidence given to the House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee on post-Brexit contractual continuity
The Guardian, Explained: the amendments voted on by MPs
HM Government, Explainer for the agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union
HM Government - Department for International Trade, Explanatory Memorandum on the Trade Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Confederation
Explanatory Memorandum to the trade barriers (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
HM Government, Explanatory Note: Uk Proposals for an amended Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Extending Article 50: could Brexit be delayed?
House of Lords - Select Committee on the European Union, Financial Regulation and Supervision following Brexit
Bank of England, Financial Stability Report
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Fisheries and Brexit
HM Government, Framework for the UK-EU partnership Company law (accounting and audit)
HM Government, Framework for the UK-EU Security Partnership
Maria Kendrick, Free Trade After Brexit: Terms and Conditions Apply
House of Lords Library Briefing, Further Article 50 Discussions with the EU Debate on 27 February 2019
House of Commons Library, Future trade deals and the National Health Service
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Future trade with the EU: Mutual recognition
House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Global Britain
House of Commons - Foreign Affairs Committee, Global Britain
House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Global Britain and the 2018 Commonwealth Summit
House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Global Britain and the 2018 Commonwealth Summit: Government response to the Committee’s Seventh Report
Government asked about procedure for Article 50 extension
HM Government, Government response to the Internet Safety Strategy Green Paper
HM Government, Guidance on Existing free trade agreements if there's no Brexit deal
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Health implications of leaving Euratom
HL Select Committee questioning the Minister from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on what action has been taken to prepare for the possibility of a 'no deal’'
HM Government's proposals for a future security partnership with the European Union
House of Commons - Home Affairs Committee, Home Office delivery of Brexit: immigration
House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee questioning the Government about the status of EU citizens' rights in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit
Parliament of the UK, House of Commons to vote on no-deal Brexit
House of Lords Library Briefing, Human Rights and Trade Deals. Debate on 12 September 2019
David Goodhart, Immigration after Brexit
HM Government, Implications for Business and Trade of a No Deal Exit on 29 March 2019
Broadband Stakeholder Group, Implications of Brexit on the Digital Communications Sector
HM Government, International Agreements if the UK leaves the EU without a deal
Intervista a Tony Blair 'Absolutely necessary that Brexit does not happen'
BBC News Special, Intervista al Presidente francese Macron sulle future relazione tra Unione europea e Regno Unito [Video]
Federico Thoman, Intervista all'ambasciatore del Regno Unito in Italia Jill Morris (su
The Silver Bullet, Introducing the Brexit Walrus
Robert Kalcik and Guntram B. Wolff, Is Brexit an opportunity to reform the European Parliament? (Bruegel)
Joint Ministerial Committee (EU Negotiations) Communique (16 october)
House of Lords, Leaving the European Union: Reporting to Parliament on the Progress of Negotiations
House of Lords Library Briefing, Leaving the European Union: Stability of the United Kingdom's Union
HM Treasury, legislating for the UK's future customs, VAT and excise regimes October
Uk Department for Exiting the European Union, Legislating for the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union
Department for Exiting the EU, Legislating for the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union
Department for Exiting the EU, Legislating for the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union
Maria Kendrick and Giorgia Sangiuolo, Let them speak (again?!)!
HM Secretary of State, Letter authorising additional expenses in advance of Royal Assent of the EU Withdrawal Bill in order to prepare for the exit
Letter from David Davis to the Chair of the EU Committee of the House of Lords on issues such as Northern Ireland and regulatory alignment
Letter from Lord Boswell (Chairman of the HL EU Committee) to Liz Truss MP (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) regarding the Multiannual Financial Framework
Letter from Lord Callanan on the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
Letter from the Lords EU Committee urging the Brexit Secretary to engage with Committees after he refused to give evidence.
HM Government, Letter from the Permanent Secretary for the Department for Transport to the Secretary of State for Transport. It requests a ministerial direction on EU exit preparations
HM Government, Letter from the Secretary of State for Transport to the Permanent Secretary for Transport. It confirms the ministerial direction on EU exit preparations.
House of Lords - European Union Committee, Letter of the House of Lords EU Committee to David Davis seeking assurances on four key aspects of Brexit as it relates to Gibraltar
UK Government Permanent Secretary, Letter requesting authorization to incur into additional expenses in advance of Royal Assent of the EU Withdrawal Bill in order to prepare for the exit
Letter to the Chair from the Secretary of State, Dominic Raab MP, 23 August 2018.
House of Lords, Lords debates further Article 50 developments
Yves Bertoncini (Institut Jacques Delors), L'Union Européenne et le réferéndums nationaux: de la clarification à la frustration
Maria Kendrick and Giorgia Sangiuolo, Make Brexit, not War
Making the right call: Making Brexit work for UK consumers of communications (speech by Sharon White to the Institute for Government)
HM Department for Exiting the European Union, Memorandum addressing issues arising under the European Convention on Human Rights in relation to the WIthdrawal Bill
UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Modernising consumer markets: Consumer Green Paper
Institute for Government, Negotiating Brexit: policing and criminal justice
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Negotiations on the UK leaving the EU during the extension period
HM Government, No-deal is a very real prospect. We must ensure we are ready: article by Michael Gove
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Nuclear Safeguards Bill: Factsheet
HM Government, Open letter to business on Implementation Period
Parliament of the UK, Opposition questions Government on legally binding backstop changes
House of Commons, Oral evidence: Brexit – Trade in Food
House of Commons, Oral evidence: Brexit – Trade in Food (20th december)
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, Oral evidence: The Progress of the UK's Negotiations on EU Withdrawal, HC 372 (21/3)
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, Oral evidence: The Progress of the UK's Negotiations on EU Withdrawal, HC 372 (22/3)
House of Commons - International Trade Committee, Oral evidence: UK Trade Remedies Authority: follow-up, HC 1897
Orientamenti del Consiglio europeo (Art. 50) per i negoziati sulla Brexit
Federico Savastano, Osservatorio sulla Brexit - 25 maggio - 21 giugno 2017
UK Electoral Commission, Our approach to assessing the intelligibility of referendum questions
HM Government, Partnership pack: preparing for a 'no deal' EU Exit
Theresa May, PM speech on our future economic partnership with the European Union (02/03/2018)
PM statement to the House of Commons: 26 February 2019
Theresa May, PM's statement on Brexit: 14 November 2018
Theresa May, PM's statement on exiting the European Union: 10 December 2018
Tom McNeil, Policing and Brexit (for the West Mildlands Police and Crime Commissioner)
European Commission (Taskforce on Art. 50), Position paper 'Essential Principles on Financial Settlement'
HM Government, Position paper 'Nuclear materials and safeguards issues'
European Commission (Taskforce on Art. 50), Position paper on 'Essential Principles on Citizens' Rights'
HM Government, Position paper 'Ongoing Union judicial and administrative proceedings'
HM Government, Position paper 'Privileges and immunities'
HM Government, Press statement - Progress on the UK's exit from, and future relationship with, the European Union
Prime Minister Theresa May’s letter to Donald Tusk requesting an extension to Article 50
Prime Minister Theresa May's statement on the withdrawal agreement of 22 November 2018
Prime Minister Theresa May's statement on the withdrawal agreement of 26 November 2018
Prime Ministers Commitments to Northern Ireland
HM Government, Prime Minister's letter to President Tusk: 5 April 2019
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Prorogation of Parliament
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Public Bodies
UK Electoral Commission, Referendum on Membership of the European Union: Question testing
UK Electoral Commission, Referendum question assessment guidelines
House of Lords - Select Committee on Communications, Regulating in a digital world
UK Environment Agency, Response to Defra consultation - Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit
Larry Honeysett, Philip Brien, Revised Government spending plans for 2017-18 (HoC Library, Briefing Paper n. CBP-8230)
Ricorso dinanzi la Corte Suprema del Regno Unito sul caso Miller (fuoriuscita del Regno dall'Unione europea)
Gerry Hassan and Russel Gunson, Scotland, the UK and Brexit
House of Lords - Select Committee on the European Union, Scrutiny of international agreements Treaties considered on 9 July 2019
HoC International Trade Committee, Secretary of State updates Committee on 'roll-over' of EU FTAs
Speech by Michel Barnier, the European Commission's Chief Negotiator, following the first round of Article 50 negotiations with the UK
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Statistics on UK-EU trade
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Statistics on UK-EU trade
HM Government, Structuring your business if there's no Brexit deal
Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe, Studying EU Law in Scotland during and after Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Supremacy and the Court of Justice
HM Government, Technical Note: Benefits of a new data protection agreement
HM Government, Technical Note: Coordination on External Security
HM Government, Technical Note: Exchange and Protection of classified information
HM Government, Technical Note: International Agreements during the Implementation Period
Alex Barker (Centre for European Reform), The €60 billion Brexit billHow to disentangle Britain from the EU budget
The UK in a Changing Europe, The Continuing Impact of Brexit on Equality Rights
Central Bank of Malta, The Costs and Benefits of Leaving the EU: Trade Effects
The Guardian, The draft Home Office post-Brexit immigration policy document
The Economic Effects of Brexit – Evidence From the Stock Market
Insight_E - Steve Pye, Carole Mathieu, Paul Deane, The energy sector implications of Brexit
Department for Exiting the EU, The EU Withdrawal Bill (Factsheet 1)
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The EU27: Internal Politics and Views on Brexit
The European Parliamentary Elections (Appointed Day of Poll) Order 2019
HM Government, The European Union (Withdrawal) Act and Common Frameworks
HM Government, The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The Future Relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The future UK-EU relationship
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The Government's negotiating objectives: the rights of UK and EU citizens
Hannah White, Jill Rutter, The Great Repeal Bill and the wider legislative challenge (IFG Analysis, March 2017)
The Silver Bullet, The High Price of a Hard Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
IHK, The Impact of Brexit on German Businesses
House of Commons - Business, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, The impact of Brexit on the automotive sector
The impact of Brexit on the automotive sector: Government response to the Committee's Fifth Report
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, The moment of truth. Or not?
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The October 2019 EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The Political Declaration on the Framework for Future EU-UK Relations
House of Commons - Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, The potential impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the digital single market
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal: Data
House of Commons - Exiting the EU Committee, The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal (March to May 2018)
The UK in a changing world, The public's Brexit predictions
Clifford Chance, The 'red tape' cost of Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The status of 'retained EU law'
A. Campbell, The time has come for Theresa May to tell the nation: Brexit can't be done (The Guardian)
House of Commons, The Trade Bill
House of Commons Briefing Paper, The UK's contribution to the EU Budget
Giorgia Sangiuolo, The UK's financial liability for EU civil servants' pensions after Brexit: Legal basis and Jurisdiction
Department for Exiting the European Union, The Withdrawal Bill (Factsheet no.1: General)
Theresa May: PM's conference speech 3 Oct 20183 Oct 2018
Brexit High Level Group Belge, Towards a Belgian Economic Brexit Strategy
HM Government, Trade continuity and future ambition - the UK and Switzerland after Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, Trade in services and Brexit
Trade Minister Greg Hands' speech at the Royal Society to business and third-sector stakeholders, on business certainty and trade beyond the Customs Union.
HM Government, Trading electricity if there's no Brexit deal
HM Government, Trading gas with the EU if there's no Brexit deal
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Transitioning to Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, UK adoption of The EU's external agreements after Brexit
Steven Ayres Philip Brien, UK Funding from the EU (HoC Library, Briefing Paper, N. 7847)
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK Participation in Horizon 2020
HM Government, UK sanctions regimes if there’s no Brexit deal
UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill (Delegated Powers memorandum)
UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill (Policy memorandum)
House of Commons - Home Affairs Committee, UK-EU security cooperation after Brexit
House of Commons - Home Affairs Committee, UK-EU security cooperation after Brexit: Government Response to the Committee’s Fourth Report of Session 2017–19
Urgent question on no-deal Brexit preparations
HM Government, Using the UKCA marking if the UK leaves the EU without a deal
House of Commons - European Scrutiny Committee, Value Added Tax: EU proposals for reform and the implications of Brexit
House of Commons Briefing Paper, VAT: European law on VAT rates
House of Commons Briefing Paper, What if there's no Brexit deal?
House of Commons Briefing Paper, What if there's no Brexit deal?
Centre for European Reform, What's the cost of Brexit so far?
UKTPO, Which Manufacturing Sectors are most vulnerable to Brexit?
House of Lords Library Briefing, Withdrawal Agreement: Section 13(1)(c) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Debate on 5, 6 and 10 December 2018
House of Lords Library Briefing, Withdrawal Agreement: Section 13(1)(c) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Debate on 9, 10 and 14 January 2019
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit e mercati
Elena Maioli Castriota Scanderbech, Brexit e comunicazioni elettroniche
Giacomo Roma, Brexit negli Stati europei
Chiara Ingenito, Brexit nell'Europa dell'Est
Maria Kendrick, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Bulletins from London
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