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FOCUS - Africa N. 1 - 14/03/2014

 25 years of the fall of apartheid in South Africa. Interview with Nomatemba Tambo, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Italy

In our opinion, Italy has lost part of its capability of reasoning about and observing the African continent. However, it maintains friendly relations with a significant number of countries and the Italian scientific community is a fertile field for African studies. After the fall of apartheid, South Africa gained a leading role in the continent and all political and socio-economic facts are part of the daily chronicles in the newspapers and on TV. The death of Nelson Mandela has definitely been an event of worldwide resonance, followed by millions of people as well as Heads of State and Government. In opening this monographic number on South African constitutional law and practice, Federalismi.it decided to interview Nomatemba Tambo, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Italy, to better understand some features of contemporary South Africa’s internal and foreign situation, not forgetting the recent past of apartheid... (segue)

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