Italia » Stato
Beniamino Caravita, Basta incertezze, serve coraggio e lungimiranza (da 'Il dubbio', 26/03/20)
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Decreto #IoRestoaCasa, domande frequenti sulle misure adottate dal Governo
Presidente della Repubblica, Dichiarazione del Presidente Mattarella sull'emergenza coronavirus
Confcommercio, Dossier riepilogativo provvedimenti COVID-19
Stefano Ceccanti, Intervista a Radio Radicale: la possibilità dell'introduzione del voto a distanza e i regolamenti parlamentari
Presidente della Repubblica, Nota del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella del 12 marzo 2020
ordinanza contingibile ed urgente per ragioni di sicurezza, igiene e sanità pubblica, ex art. 50, comma 5, e art. 54, comma 4, D. Lgs. 267/2000 - Emergenza Coronavirus COVID-19
Principali provvedimenti adottati per la gestione dell'emergenza COVID-19
Ulteriori misure per la prevenzione e gestione dell’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-2019. Ordinanza del Presidente della Regione Sicilia
Italia » Stato
Europa » Unione Europea
Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (European Commission) , Kantar, Democray and elections Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Environmental footprint Update of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods : ecotoxicity freshwater, human toxicity cancer, and non-cancer - Study
Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL) , Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (European Commission) , Ramboll Management Consulting A/S, Ex post evaluation of major projects supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund between 2000 and 2013 Lot environment : final report - Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Global energy and climate outlook 2019 Electrification for the low-carbon transition : the role of electrification in low-carbon pathways, with a global and regional focus on EU and China - Study
European Investment Bank, How can favourable financing improve energy efficiency investments? Evidence from new experimental data - Study
European Investment Bank, Impact of FDI on economic growth The role of country income levels and institutional strength - Study
European Investment Bank, Making a difference Assessing the impact of the EIB's funding to SMEs - Study
Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Productivity in Europe Trends and drivers in a service-based economy - Study
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission) , Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI), The governance of equity funding schemes for disadvantaged schools Lessons from national case studies : analytical report - Study
Federalismi » Federalismi