FOCUS - Human Rights N. 23 - 27/07/2020

 Countering Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking Through Special Investigative Techniques: Transnational Undercover Operations in the Italian and International Legal Systems

Abstract [En]: The adoption of international coordination measures to spread the use of 'special investigative techniques' to combat organised crime effectively is encouraged by Article 20 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. The paper examines the Italian legal framework, amended by a new law passed in 2019, on an evolving legal tool such as the "undercover operations" involving, or taking place in more than one State. The article seeks to establish whether and to what extent Italy is complying with its international commitments in this field.


Abstract [It]: L'adozione di misure di coordinamento internazionale per diffondere l'uso di "tecniche investigative speciali" volte a combattere efficacemente la criminalità organizzata è incoraggiata dall'articolo 20 della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la criminalità organizzata transnazionale. Lo scritto esamina il quadro giuridico italiano, modificato da una nuova legge approvata nel 2019, relativo ad un istituto giuridico in evoluzione come quello delle "operazioni sotto copertura" che coinvolgono, o si svolgono in più di uno Stato. L'articolo cerca di stabilire se e in quale misura l'Italia stia rispettando i suoi impegni internazionali in materia.


Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. Transnational undercover operations: the challenges of international cooperation and the international legal framework in short. 3. The new Italian legal regime relating to undercover operations after the entry into operation of Law Decree No. 53/2019. 4. The new Italian Statute’s purpose to ‘strengthen the investigative coordination in the field of crimes related to illegal immigration’: a reached target or a missed opportunity? 5. Conclusion.

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