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FOCUS - Africa

 Mozambique: political landscape reshaped after the 2009 general elections?

Mozambique is one of Africa’s successful examples of post conflict political stability and economic recovery. The country has had constant economic growth since the end of the civil war in 1992 and it has been politically stable and appeared committed to its democratization process. Nevertheless, the 2009 electoral process revealed considerable shortcomings regarding the political capacity of most political parties and the lack of interest of voters to participate as well as a weak regulatory framework that translated into a massive representation of the ruling party Frelimo (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) in the National Assembly even though only less than half of the registered voting population actually cast their ballot. Mozambique remains at the bottom when it comes to attracting eligible citizens to actively participate in the political life of their country compared to other countries in the region where the turnout in national elections in 2009 passed the 70 percent mark such as in Malawi, South Africa, Namibia or Botswana... (segue)

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