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FOCUS - Africa N. 21 - 05/08/2022

 Secession Clause in The Ethiopian Constitution: A Blessing or A Curse?

Abstract [En]: One of the peculiarities of the Ethiopian federation (setting aside the nomenclatures attached to it) is its inclination towards ethnic lines and the ultimate entitlement it gave to nations, nationalities and peoples of the right to self-determination including and up to secession. On one hand, many argue that the inclusion of article 39 in the constitution is not a matter of choice, rather a must be included. On the other hand, however, there was/is also a group that has opposed the inclusion of article 39 in the Ethiopian constitution. The main point of argument for this group was ‘fear of dis-integration’ of the Ethiopian state. To date, fingers are pointed against this article nonstop. By applying a comparative approach, it is argued in this paper that its inclusion is a blessing, not a curse, as it enabled sustaining a fragile country, which could have been Africa’s Yugoslavia. The writer argues that the inclusion of the secession clause is not a problem by itself, rather lack of strong institutions and enabling practical undertakings might be the core problems.


Titolo: La clausola di secessione nella Costituzione etiope: benedizione o maledizione?

Abstract [It]: Una delle particolarità della federazione etiope riguarda la garanzia del diritto a secedere verso le nations, nationalities and peoples assieme a quello di autodeterminazione. Da un lato, alcuni affermano che l’inclusione di tale disposizione rappresenti un “must be” dell’ordinamento; dall’altro, altri si sono opposti a tale soluzione giuridica. Il principale problema riguarda il timore della disintegrazione dell’Etiopia derivante da tale clausola, contro il quale in molti si sono espressi. Mediante un approccio di natura comparative, si afferma che l’inclusione della secessione sia positiva, soprattutto se si pensa all’ex Yugoslavia. Il diritto a secedere non è un problema per se, piuttosto un riflesso di deboli istituzioni e di debole coesione.


Parole chiave: Federalismo, autogoverno, secessione, Etiopia, diritto costituzionale

Keywords: Federalism, Self-determination, Secession, Ethiopia, constitutional law


Contents: 1. Introduction: A general overview on secession. 2. Theories and Justifications on Secession. 3. Secession in Africa: Brief Summary 4. Secession in Ethiopia. 4.1. Historical Accoutns. 4.2. The Secession Clause: A Blessing or Curse?  5. Concluding Remarks and Recommendations 5.1 Concluding Remarks: Arguments. 5.2 Recommendations.

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