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FOCUS - Human Rights N. 23 - 27/07/2020

 Looking for an Innovative Environmental Imagination. Transnational Legal Tools for the Anthropocene: the Latin American Environmental Ius Commune

Abstract [En]: The Latin American national and supranational jurisdictional institutions are answering to the threats posed by the Anthropocene shift, by recognising to the environment its own legal personality. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the rise of a Latin-American environmental ius commune, which is formed by a group of transnational norms and is seen as an instrument to enforce a system of protection inherent to ideas like ‘living well’, rights of nature, and collective goods.


Abstract [It]: Le istituzioni nazionali e sovranazionali latinoamericane – sia politiche che giurisdizionali – stanno affrontando le minacce poste dal cambio “antropocenico” attraverso il riconoscimento della personalità giuridica ambientale. Il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di valutare la nascita di uno ius commune ambientale in America Latina, formato da un gruppo di norme transnazionali con l’obiettivo di creare un sistema di protezione basato sull’idea di buen vivir; sui i diritti della Natura; sulla protezione dei beni comuni.


Summary: 1. Notice to skippers. An incipit. 2. Are we jumping without a parachute? A law for the Anthropocene. 3. Our theoretical parachute. 3.1. Holistic approach to environmental law and justice. 3.2. Transnational law for the Anthropocene: between human rights and environmental protection. 4. Would that the law might speak on behalf of all things that have roots: the environmental transnational ius commune in Latin America. 4.1. Deep roots are not reached by the frost. On how indigenous wisdom informs constitutional reforms 4.2. The holistic approach to environmental justice of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: the ‘big shot’ of the advisory opinion OC-23/17 5. Final Remarks. The ‘creative conservation’ in the Latin American ‘legal space’.

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