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FOCUS - Los efectos de la crisis financiera sobre las instituciones nacionales N. 13 - 04/05/2020

 Crisis y reformas del sector público o sobre cómo racionalizar el sector público y debilitar la autonomía territorial y el Estado social

Abstract: This study presents an overview of the impact of the economic crisis on the public European and national sector, with the aim of re-emphasizing the constitutional inconsistencies of a decade of public action marked by a strictly economic logic. In order to support this thesis, the article brings about some examples of national and European public reforms, as it focuses in particular on the Spanish case. Through an analysis of the “anti-crisis” measures adopted at the three levels of public administration (local, regional and State), it shows how the prevailing economic logic has ended up weakening both the social model and the territorial cohesion and autonomy.


Sumario: 1. Introducción. – 2. Panorámica de las reformas del sector público en el seno de la UE. – 3. La racionalización del sector público en España. – 3.1 Las reformas de la administración local. – 3.2. Las reformas del sector público estatal y autonómico. – 3.3. Las reformas en sectores públicos esenciales: sanidad y educación. – 4. Conclusiones.

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