di Sabrina Ragone
This paper introduces how the multiple crises of European integration, namely Brexit, the refugee crisis, the economic crisis and the crisis of the rule of law challenge several foundations of the EU: solidarity, mutual trust and the rule of law itself. Then, it focuses in particular on the centralization derived from the financial situation of the past ten years, with respect to the rising role of the executives among domestic institutions and from a territorial perspective. These ideas bring the author to assess to what extent the failure of the European model of integration obliges to rethink traditional categories through a multidisciplinary prism.
This paper analyses the current situation of the European Union in relation with Brexit and other disintegrating processes that are taking place in the context of globalization. The first momentum for these processes, prior to Brexit, comes from the European integration model itself that places national interests at the forefront... (segue)
Although it is the main victim of the economic global and European crisis, the principle of solidarity still represents an important criterion to assess the side-effects of the crisis on European constitutional democracies. Thus, a reflection on some of the possible responses to the challenges that this time poses to constitutional democracy... (segue)
This study presents an overview of the impact of the economic crisis on the public European and national sector, with the aim of re-emphasizing the constitutional inconsistencies of a decade of public action marked by a strictly economic logic. In order to support this thesis, the article brings about some examples of national... (segue)
This article assesses the role of the Spanish Constitutional Court throughout and after the financial crisis, with respect to the case law concerning social rights. The author deals with the issue of reversibility of the scope of protection, also through the prism of the constitutional obligation to interpret rights in light of international treaties... (segue)
The political and social consequences of the economic and financial crisis are still very visible, especially in the growing social and territorial inequality and the palpable corrosion of democratic institutions. This paper studies the consequences of the measures taken by national governments at the European and domestic... (segue)
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This paper analyses the role and the position of National Parliaments and parliamentary administrations in the eurozone crisis using the methodological tools of a comparative approach. Long regarded as the victims of the integration process, National Parliaments have undergone a long and slow development through which they gained, especially... (segue)
Consumer protection is a primary instrument to develop the EU's internal market, but it is also a relevant to define and protect the individual legal status of citizens, residents and people in general that can assume the role of consumers under EU law. As it is well known, consumer enjoys a bundle of rights under EU law, but due to the national... (segue)
Le sedi dell’indirizzo politico costituzionale e dell’indirizzo di sistema 2024 | .26
I legislatori regionali nella fase discendente 2024 | .21
L'indirizzo politico: crisi ed evoluzione di un concetto 2024 | .18
I controlli della corte dei conti e i complessi equilibri del sistema delle autonomie 2024 | .13
'Neurodiritti' tra virtuale e reale 2024 | .6
L’autonomia dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol nel passato, nel presente e nel futuro 2023 | .32
La CEDU dopo i primi 70 anni 2023 | .20
Scelte ambientali, azione amministrativa e tecniche di tutela 2023 | .13
La tenuta dello stato costituzionale ai tempi dell’emergenza da Covid-19 2023 | .3
Diritto all'istruzione e inclusione nelle scuole dopo la pandemia 2022 | .32
I controlli della corte dei conti e i complessi equilibri del sistema delle autonomie 2022 | .28
Le conseguenze costituzionali della Brexit 2022 | .10
Il costituzionalismo multilivello nel terzo millennio: Scritti in onore di Paola Bilancia 2022 | .4
Non-State Actors and Human Security in Navigable Spaces 2022 | .2
La digitalizzazione dei servizi sanitari, il diritto alla salute e la tutela dei dati personali 2021 | .5
Blockchain, politiche pubbliche e regole 2021 | .2
Territorio e territori nell'Unione europea 2020 | .31
Il Governo. Prospettive organizzative e funzionali 2020 | .28
I dieci anni del Trattato di Lisbona 2020 | .19
Exit! Il recesso dai trattati multilaterali. Crisi e nuovi slanci nella cooperazione internazionale 2020 | .17
Sofferenze e insofferenze della Giustizia costituzionale 2020 | .15
Los efectos de la crisis financiera sobre las instituciones nacionales 2020 | .13
La disinformazione online e il ruolo degli esperti nell'agorà digitale 2020 | .11
Il sistema autostradale per l'economia italiana ed europea 2020 | .9
L'Europa delle Regioni 20 anni dopo 2020 | .7
Fascicoli speciali
Costituzione economica, integrazione sovranazionale, effetti della globalizzazione 2019 | .5
Le Anchor Institutions nella società liquida 2019 | .4
Parlamento e governo parlamentare in Italia. Verso un affresco contemporaneo. 2019 | .3
Italia, Europa: i diritti fondamentali e la rotta dei migranti 2019 | .2
Difesa europea, quali prospettive 2019 | .1
Secessionismi Autonomismi Federalismi 2018 | .7
Le società partecipate al crocevia 2018 | .6
Reflective Judiciary 2018 | .5
I diritti sociali tra ordinamento statale e ordinamento europeo 2018 | .4
Il sistema di protezione giurisdizionale nell'UE 2018 | .3
Il federalismo in tempi di transizione 2018 | .2
Riforme istituzionali e sistema parlamentare 2018 | .1
Dimensioni ed effettività del potere regolamentare 2017 | .2
Democrazia diretta vs democrazia rappresentativa 2017 | .1