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FOCUS - Non-State Actors and Human Security in Navigable Spaces N. 2 - 17/01/2022

 Blockchain and Smart Contracts: Evolutionary Profiles of Telematic Negotiation

Abstract [En]: Starting from an examination of the relevant legal framework, the essay examines the important innovations introduced in the context of computer and telematic contracts by blockchain e smart contract, as well as the difficult legal issues raised by their diffusion.


Abstract [It]: Il saggio, partendo dall’esame del dato normativo rilevante, esamina le importanti novità introdotte nel quadro delle contrattazioni informatiche e telematiche da blockchain e smart contract, nonché le delicate questioni giuridiche sollevate dalla loro diffusione.


Keywords: Blockchain; Smart contract; Telematic negotiation

Parole chiave: Blockchain; Smart contract; Contrattazione telematica


Summary: 1. The relevant legal framework. 2. Profiles of convergence between telematic and in-person negotiations. 3. Blockchain and smart contracts in comparison with other forms of negotiation.

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