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FOCUS - Los efectos de la crisis financiera sobre las instituciones nacionales N. 13 - 04/05/2020

 Dalla crisi economica alla crisi democratica: la sfida populista alla solidarietà e l’identità europea

Abstract: Although it is the main victim of the economic global and European crisis, the principle of solidarity still represents an important criterion to assess the side-effects of the crisis on European constitutional democracies. Thus, a reflection on some of the possible responses to the challenges that this time poses to constitutional democracy in Europe -especially in relation to the growth and affirmation of populist, nationalist and sovereign forces – has to deal with the principle of solidarity. In particular, the A. focuses on the crisis of solidarity as an aspect of the more general crisis of the relationship with the Other, which can be found at different levels: the intertwining of external solidarity and internal solidarity (as social cohesion) in the development the European integration process; the crisis of political obligation in the public space, on which the populist challenge to constitutional democracy hinges; finally, with reference to the relationship between transformations of European identity and interpretation of conflicts.


Sommario: 1. Crisi economico-finanziaria, emergenza sanitaria e crisi della solidarietà. – 2. Crisi della solidarietà come crisi del rapporto tra costituzionalismo e democrazia: alle radici della sfida populista. – 3. Crisi della solidarietà e trasformazioni dell’identità europea. – 4. Segue: identità europea, solidarietà e interpretazione dei conflitti. – 5. Riflessioni conclusive: crisi della solidarietà e crisi della cittadinanza.

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