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FOCUS - Non-State Actors and Human Security in Navigable Spaces N. 2 - 17/01/2022

 Framing Solidarity at Sea in the Context of Human Security

Abstract [En]: Whereas, on the one hand, the UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity has repeatedly recalled the crucial importance of solidarity (at sea), on the other hand, since 2018 a number of international institutions have also repeatedly reported the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance given to people on the move. Against this controversial backdrop, this paper aims to investigate whether – and to what extent under international law – civil society members may be entitled to undertake acts of solidarity with migrants and refugees crossing maritime borders in an irregular manner.


Abstract [It]: Se, da un lato, l’Esperto indipendente dell’ONU sui diritti umani e la solidarietà internazionale ha ripetutamente ricordato l’importanza della solidarietà (in mare), dall’altro lato dal 2018 varie istituzioni internazionali hanno, altrettanto ripetutamente, denunciato la criminalizzazione degli atti di solidarietà nei confronti delle persone che migrano. A fronte di questo controverso scenario, l’articolo mira a chiarire se, ed eventualmente, in presenza di quali condizioni, membri della società civile possono compiere atti di solidarietà nei confronti di migranti e rifugiati che attraversano irregolarmente le frontiere marittime.


Keywords: civil society, humanitarian initiatives, migration by sea, solidarity, human security

Parole chiave: società civile, iniziative umanitarie, migrazioni via mare, solidarietà, sicurezza umana


Summary: 1. Between the Need for and Criminalisation of Solidarity. 2. Humanitarian Initiatives Aimed at People Crossing Maritime Borders. 3. Humanitarian Initiatives at Sea and the Multifunctional and Evolving Concept of Solidarity. 4. International Solidarity and Its Close Relationship with (the Emerging Concept of Human) Security. 5. Conclusions.

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